Audit report / SAFEMOONTON
- Application ID: 1
- Submited At: 2024-04-13 07:52:01
Executive Summary
This security review was prepared by TonKeepersAudits.
CategoryLaunchpad Protocol
Timeline22-24 March 2024
Contract Verified?Yes
Source CodeOpen
EcosystemThe Open Network
Contract addressEQBgLw3RLkELgOJUU1oHtHzwkoTdb4RgfT8IgTG6k_iLneEc
Tax0% Buy/Sell
Manual Code Review
Slippage can be modified?No
Whitelist ?No
Has blacklist ?No
Ownership renounced?Yes
Doesn't look like honeypot?Yes
Can not Mint?Yes
Can not take back ownership?Yes
Transfer can not pause?Yes
Cannot stop strading?Yes
Contract is open source?Yes
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